Cold Plasma: An Emerging Technology for Clinical Use in Wound Healing

We are pleased to announce the publication of our latest EWMA document, focusing on cold plasma technology’s role in wound healing.

The document concludes, that cold atmospheric plasma (CAP) holds great promise as a sustainable, advanced therapy in wound treatment, although it may still need to fully realise its potential.

This publication aims to:

  • Review and discuss scientific evidence and clinical experiences with CAP;
  • Evaluate the potential and challenges of CAP in wound management;
  • Examine emerging and currently available CAP therapies;
  • Address safety and regulatory considerations surrounding CAP;
  • Provide knowledge and support for future discussions with healthcare providers and payers;
  • Serve as an inspiration to solution providers;
  • Encourage further research and action in recommended areas where necessary.


We extend our gratitude to the author group: Jan Apelqvist (Editor), Alexander Robson, Andreas Helmke, Antoine Rousseau, Bouke Boekema, Edwin den Braber (Co-editor), Endre Szili, Ewa Stürmer, Lars Böckmann, Nishta Gaur, Robert Short, Sander Bekeschus, Steffen Emmert, Thomas von Woedtke, and Torsten Gerling.

EWMA would also like to sincerely thank the following companies for their unrestricted grants in support of this project: ActivCell Group, Adtec Healthcare, Coldplasmatech, neoplas med, Plasmacure, and terraplasma medical.

As with all EWMA Documents, you can read and download the paper for free

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