Submission of manuscripts

We are now accepting submissions of manuscripts for the Journal of Wound Management 2025 issues (three annual issues)

Submission of manuscripts

All submitted articles will receive an acknowledgement of submission. All articles will be double blind peer-reviewed by experts in the specific field. The review process takes approximately 8 weeks. The corresponding author will receive a copy of the peer-reviewer comments with one of the following recommendations: accept; accept with minor revision; accept with major revisions; reject. A final copy of the article, including any changes recommended by the editor and/or the reviewers, should then be submitted online.

The Editor requires a statement from the authors that the paper has not been previously published and that no other submission or publication will be made while the paper is in the review process. Abstracts of oral or poster presentation are not considered to constitute prior publication. Copyright of all papers is vested in EWMA.

Authors may suggest the names of two reviewers for the manuscript. However, final selection of the referees will be determined by the Editor.

All manuscripts must be accompanied by a letter to the Editor with the following statement signed (electronically or scanned signature) by all authors; “The undersigned authors transfer all copyright ownership of the manuscript [insert name of article here] to EWMA in the event the work is published. The undersigned author(s) warrant that the article is original, does not infringe upon any copyright or other proprietary right of any third party, is not under consideration by another journal, and has not been previously published.”

Copyright assignment is a condition of publication and papers will not be published unless copyright has been assigned.

It is the responsibility of the authors to disclose to the Editor any significant financial interests they may have in products mentioned in their manuscript. This information will be deemed confidential and will only be disclosed to manuscript reviewers if, in the opinion of the Editor, the information is directly pertinent for an informed review.

Please find further details about submission in the Journal Author Guidelines or contact the EWMA Secretariat for any questions.