

National wound management organisations across Europe, referred to as EWMA Cooperating Organisations, are close, important partners of EWMA.

Representatives appointed by the current 54 organisations from 36 countries gather at the Cooperating Organisations Board meeting during the annual EWMA conference to share and discuss wound management topics of relevance across Europe and to elect members to the EWMA Council.

EWMA and the Cooperating Organisations also work together on communication efforts to enhance mutual visibility across various platforms, including social media.

map of europe with pins on countries

Austrian Wound Association

The Austrian Society for Wound Treatment (AWA) is a non-profit organization operating in the field of wound treatment, founded in 1998. Our members predominantly come from nursing, medical, and other professions interested in wound care. We aim to connect wound care practitioners and provide a platform that informs, supports scientific work, and shares practical knowledge.

To realize this goal on a global scale, AWA collaborates with partner societies and forms the so-called WundD.A.CH. in cooperation with the German ICW – Initiative Chronische Wunde e.V. and the Swiss Wound Society SAfW. Additionally, AWA is a member of EWMA – European Wound Management Association.


Society for the Treatment of Wounds

Association of Belgian French-speaking Nurses in Stomatherapy and Woundcare

Sharing experience in wound and stoma care, education and learning.

The Belgian Federation of Woundcare

The Belgian Federation of Woundcare (BEFEWO) was established in 2004 as the umbrella organisation of two major wound management associations in Belgium, AFISCEP and WONDZORG.NET. Belgium is a bilingual country where both French and Flemish (Dutch) are spoken. An outcome of this partnership was the organisation of several Belgian National Bilingual wound management conferences. The organisations also collaborate in relation to liaising with the Belgian Government and are active members of the national organisation of nurses. Here the organisations undertake common initiatives and rep resent each other as BEFEWO members in diverse international organisations. BEFEWO is a joint organisation representing the strength, multilingualism and unity of Belgium and its wound management associations. Besides the interest in wound management both organisations have a specific interest in ostomy care which is closely combined with wound management in Belgium.



WONDZORG.NET – CNC VZW has a board of managers, a council, and an executive to fulfill all activities now delivered by WONDZORG.NET. The main purpose of WONDZORG.NET is to promote education in wound care among doctors, nurses and other health care professionals. To this end, WONDZORG.NET has a strong and firm collaboration with several University colleges making it possible to organise several basic wound management courses and postgraduate courses for nurses each year. 


Association for Wound Management in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Aim of Association for Wound Management in Bosnia and Herzegovina (AWMinB&H):
1. Collaborate with EWMA to EU standardization of Wound Center- EWMA Wound Center Endorsement Project (Public and private Medical Institution/ ” Pilot Project: Kanton Sarajevo” 2019-until now)
2. Collaborate with EWMA/ UEMS Project to harmonize national curricula with EU standards (Actual)
3. Determine the position of the mentor for sub-specialization at UEMS (Bosnia and Herzegovina Federal Ministry of Health: No123/20, 6th January 2020)
4. Establishing an e-platform for wound healing in the Balkans region (BALWMA)
5. Health law / Social responsibility / Criminal act of omission / Institution
6. Wound Expert services : Campaign “Who treats you, where you are treated”
7. Establishing continuous cooperation with the EU institutes for the implementation of Integrative medicine in Wound Management (WHO)


Bulgarian Wound Association

The purpose of the Bulgarian Wound Association (BWA) is to foster the development and to support the introduction of safe and effective wound care practices across the health care system in the country. Therefore, BWA pursues a set of objectives, including training of health care practitioners and the creation of a platform for exchange of professional know-how among various medical specialties.


Croatian Wound Association

The Croatian Wound Association was founded in 2007 as an independent, non-profit organization, based on long-term work in modern wound care and treatment, as well as training and promotion of new knowledge in this area.


Cyprus Wound Management Society

Cyprus Wound Management Society (CWMS) operates in Cyprus and has more than 100 members. The goals of our organization are: The encouragement and promotion of theoretical and practical education and training, in the context of continuing medical, nursing/midwifery education with an emphasis on wound management. The promotion and improvement of the level of knowledge and skills of doctors, nurses, and other scientific health professionals, through the organization of lectures, seminars, conferences, and training programs. The promotion of study and research for the management of wounds, acute and chronic. The awareness, information, activation, and education of the population in basic and knowledge and skills to provide assistance in life-threatening situations.


Czech Society for Wound Healing


The Danish Society of Wound Healing

The Danish Society of Wound Healing (DSFS) was founded in 1992 and have approx. 900 members. Our members include physicians and nurses but also physiotherapists and podiatrists in both hospitals and primary sector settings. DSFS aims to raise awareness of wound care / treatment via our member magazine SAAR (4 x annually) and at annual meetings. DSFS continues works on placing wound treatment as an independent part of the Danish health care system.


Finnish Wound Care Society

The French and Francophone Society of Wounds and Wound Healing

The French and Francophone Society of Wounds and Healing (Société Française et Francophone de Plaies et Cicatrisation – SFFPC) was born in 1996. Since its beginnings, the multidisciplinary spirit has not been lost, on the contrary it has evolved with constant respect for the essential partnership in the management of wounds. This Society was founded in order to face the multiple challenges of wound management in France, including a large amount of patients suffering from acute or chronic wounds: 2.5 million wounds in France, with 35% of these being complex, requiring knowledge and talents, complementarities between nurses, physiotherapists, nutritionists, surgeons and doctors. The SFFPC is the nerve center of the health care professionals involved in wound management in France.


German Society of Wound Healing and Wound Treatment


Chronic Wounds Initiative


Hellenic Society of Wound Healing and Chronic Ulcers

Hungarian Wound Care Society

Spread of up to date wound management. Control of these processes. Scientific congress in October every year, organised by our Society.


Hungarian Association for the Improvement in Care of Chronic Wounds and Incontinentia


The Icelandic Wound Healing Society

The Icelandic Wound Healing Society (SUMS) is a multidisciplinary organisation for wound management in Iceland. SUMS was founded in 2004 and has continued to grow and develop ever since. Its membership now consists of over 300 members, making it one of the largest interdisciplinary organisations in health care in Iceland. Central to SUMS´s objectives is to support implementation of interdisciplinary and cost effective wound care of high quality for Iceland. Our detailed objectives include improving national knowledge and competence in wound management, supporting cooperation and equality in wound care across professions and treatment facilities, and collaborative development with national and international bodies.


Wound Management Association of Ireland

Nursing Association for the Study of Skin Injuries

The Mission is pursued through the following objectives:

  • Influence health policies and economic choices, proposing models of care and communication with institutions.
  • Support and sustain scientific evolution and operators in order to increase professional growth.
  • Build a clinical-organizational network aimed at improving the quality of care and safeguarding health for the individual and the community.
  • Implement good clinical practice based on choices proven by scientific evidence.
  • Make the Company recognized through the dissemination of the discipline and culture of Wound Care, implementing the skills of operators in order to provide quality services to citizens, making all scientific literature and research results and training courses accessible.
  • Facilitate the ability of professionals to negotiate and clarify their role.
  • Develop skills, knowledge and cultural advancement in the professional.
  • Propose and build clinical-care pathways based on scientific research.
  • Build basic and advanced training courses based on the training needs of members and social organizations (CO.DI.CI. Active Citizenship).


Italian Association Skin Ulcers

The association’s chief goal is to promote scientific seminars aimed at disseminating, updating and enhancing knowledge on physiopathology, clinic, diagnosis and on treatment of ulcerative cutaneous lesions as well as improving prevention strategies.


Wound Management Association of Kosova

Latvian Wound Treating Organisation

Lithuanian wound management association

Aim: To organize representatives of various professions and specialities practising in Lithuania who have special interest in the wound management for cooperation in the means of medical practise, science and education.


Macedonian Wound Management Association

Malta Association of Skin and wound Care

The Malta Association of Skin and wound Care (MASC) Association was launched on the 2nd December 2005 and its main objective is to provide education and training to all health care professionals for the best possible Skin and Wound Care for the Maltese population. The association aims to organise special teaching sessions to keep professionals updated on related Skin and Wound care topics. Since MASC is affiliated with EWMA and other International organisations we relay important information and initiatives from the International arena. MASC is a non-governmental organisation with a vision to collaborate and lead on the visibility and standardisation on wound care in Malta.


V&VN Woundexpertise

V&VN expertise has as its main goal to achieve a higher quality of wound care in the Dutch hospitals and other health institutions. Exchange of knowledge and proper information sharing is of great importance.






Norwegian Wound Management Asssociation

Norwegian Wound Management Asssociation (NIFS) is a non-profit organization for healthcare personnel who work with the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of wounds. NIFS is a member of the European Wound Healing Society (EWMA) and the European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel (EPUAP). The board of NIFS consists of 10 members who are elected for 2 years. At least three doctors and three nurses must be involved. Members can also be recruited from industry. These are not entitled to vote, but otherwise have full membership rights. Sponsor membership for companies is offered on the same terms.


Polish Wound Management Association


APTFeridas logo

Associated Group of Research in Wounds


ELCOS Portuguese Wound Society

ELCOS – Portuguese Wound Association, established in 2009, is dedicated to guarantee sustained activity in terms of both training and research, with representation at EPUAP, EWMA and WHO level, this is possible by the efforts of its governing structures, Departments, Regional Councils and Working Groups, those are made up of a wealth of knowledge (at bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral level). In order to achieve its goal, ELCOS is organized geographically into Regional Councils, with the aim of responding to regional nosology in terms of complex wounds, through the involvement of interested professionals in each region (doctors, nurses, pharmacists, nutritionists, physiotherapists, among others), in partnership with local health and educational institutions.


Associated Group of Research in Wounds


Romanian Wound Care Management Association

The main purpose of our organisation is to promote wound care among doctors with different specialties and nurses by organising conferences and courses, to integrate wound management in healthcare units and provide up-to-date information regarding wound care therapies and products.


Serbian Advanced Wound Management Association

Serbian Wound Healing Society

Education and application of modern methods for the treatment of chronic wounds. Establishment of a center for the treatment of chronic wounds.


Slovak Wound Care Association


Slovak Wound Healing Society

Wound Management Association of Slovenia

The mission of the Association for Wound Care is to become the leading professional and pedagogical association in wound care in Slovenia. This includes the unification of guidelines, internationally comparable development of the professional field of wound treatment and care, the introduction of new methods of treatment and care, and the dissemination of knowledge to the professional and lay public.


Spanish Vascular Nursing and Wounds Association

The Spanish Vascular Nursing and Wounds Association was registered as such with the Spanish Ministry of the Interior in 1988 and is made up of a group of professional nurses dedicated to the specialty of Angiology and Vascular Surgery whose objective is:

  1. Promote and encourage excellence in nursing care for people with vascular disease.
  2. Provide and promote quality health education, based on clinical evidence of professionals who participate in the care of patients with vascular disease.
  3. Contribute to the prevention of vascular disease.
  4. Support nursing research.
  5. Update topics of scientific interest related to the specialty.


National Advisory Group for the Study of Pressure Ulcers and Chronic Wounds

Main objectives:

To scale the problem of pressure ulcers and other chronic wounds in our environment and sensitize the society to these important health problems for reducing the incidence and prevalence.

To get involved in the genesis, discussion and dissemination of scientific knowledge that would enable health professionals involved in managing pressure ulcers and other chronic wounds to develop a comprehensive care practice based on the latest scientific evidence.


Spanish Wounds Society

Spanish Wounds Society (SEHER) is a multidisciplinary scientific organization with wounds as a main topic of interest. We think that all wounds need a multidisciplinary approach in order to heal them. For this reason our organization is composed by surgeons, medical doctors, nurses and podiatrits. The main goal of SEHER is to serve as a meeting point for professionals and patients in order to spread and share knowledge about wounds through meetings, congresses, conferences and other digital resources. Others important goals for us are to promote research in wounds, to represent Spain as a country in the different wound care organisations and to let know the work that Spanish heatlhcare providers are doing in the wound field .


Swedish Wound Care Nurses Association

Swedish Wound Care Nurses Association, SSiS overall goal is to promote research, development and education to improve the quality of wound care. All patients at risk of ulcers in Sweden must receive good and equal care. SSiS is included in Swedish nurse association sections and networks which are associations of nurses who are interested in a special area, for example in the subject of pain, cancer care, surgical care and orthopedic nurses.


Swiss Association for Wound Care - German section

Swiss Association for Wound Care - French section

Both nationally and internationally, the mission of SAfW-Romande is to gather, centralize, study, and validate all preventive and therapeutic procedures related to skincare and wound healing. the SAfW-Romande aims to harmonise clinical practice among professionals in French-Switzerland, to improve patient care through interdisciplinarity and interprofessional dialogue including the individual as a central care partner, to encourage evidence-based practice, and to support participation in research.


Swiss Association for Wound Care - Holding Association

The association is the national holding association in the field of wound care and has the objective of representing the common interests of its members, in particular in public health issues, research, teaching, development, promotion and distribution of wound care procedures.

Wound, Ostomy, and Incontinence Nurses' Society

Wound, Ostomy, and Incontinence Nurses’ Society (YOIHD) was established in 2008 in Ankara. YOIHD aims to support and develop nurses caring for individuals with wounds, ostomy, and incontinence problems. YOIHD also provides training for individuals in need of wound, ostomy, and incontinence care, carries out awareness activities to prevent pressure injuries, and carries out activities to support individuals with an ostomy. YOIHD pursues its activities in cooperation with national and international organizations.


Wound Management Association of Turkey

Founded in 1997, WMAT is a multidisciplinary foundation, composed of wound nurses and physicians of various specialties. Since 2006, almost every year courses and congresses are held across the country. WMAT works together with the ministry of health. Every year wound courses (160 hours) for nurses accredited by the ministry of health are held for free. WMAT encourages the members to attend EWMA organisations every year. The executive comittee always attends EWMA events with the maximum number. The main purpose is to improve and standardise wound management. The organisations of wound care education programmes are the mainstay of our pathway.


All Wales Tissue Viability Nurse Forum

Leg Ulcer Forum

Aims of the Forum: To relieve sickness and to promote and protect good health of patients suffering from either an ongoing leg ulcer or wound management problem by the following means: a. To encourage and support the establishment of specialist services supported by appropriately qualified staff; b. To provide a forum to advance the education of nurses and other health care professionals involved in the treatment of such persons; c. To support other similarly formed groups across the UK and to liaise with similar and appropriate organizations in other countries. Mission statement: To drive best practice and support both patients and practitioners in the management of lower limb conditions.


The National Association of Tissue Viability Nurses Scotland

The National Association of Tissue Viability Nurses Scotland (NATVNS) promote collaborative working amongst members; and holistic research-based practice in tissue viability. This will facilitate excellence in care for patients in health, social care, private sector, third sector, and in partnership with Healthcare Improvement Scotland by:

  • Promoting specialist services with qualified practitioners, who will provide safe, efficient, effective patient-centered care.
  • Collaborative working with other groups and organizations locally and nationally.
  • Sharing and enhancing knowledge and experience.
  • Raising the profile of Tissue Viability in Scotland.


Society of Tissue Viability

The Society of Tissue Viability (STV) is the UK’s first multidisciplinary wound prevention and healing society, set up over 40 years ago. Today, four principles guide everything we do: 

  • We are collaborators because skin health and wound healing is everyone’s business and change happens only when we work together.
  • We turn ideas into action to change the way skin health and wound healing is thought about and delivered.
  • We are passionate about the challenges of solving skin health and wounds and work to get more people engaged and excited about the possibilities.
  • We are led by science and evidence and never do or endorse anything that we don’t trust or believe in.


Ukrainian Wound Treatment Organization

Assstance in the international, regional, local and international programs, which are aimed in popularization of the new methods of prevention and treatment of wounds
