Become a partner or cooperating organisation

Collaboration with other associations

EWMA Collaborates with many different associations/societies engaged in wound management or related areas on a national or an international level.

EWMA partnerships with associations are divided into two partnership categories:

  • EWMA Cooperating Organisation (National associations in Europe)
  • EWMA International Partner Organisation (National associations outside Europe or international sister societies/related associations)

Different characteristics and benefits apply to each partner category. The widest-ranging level of collaboration exists with the EWMA Cooperating Organisations who, through the annual Cooperating Organisation’s Board meeting, are entitled to present and elect members of the EWMA Council as well as to other specific benefits (see list below).

While the close relation between EWMA and the EWMA Cooperating Organisation is a key principle of vital importance to EWMA it also entails the need for clear and comprehensive procedures on the integration of new Cooperating Organisations into the EWMA family.

Recommended Principles of EWMA Cooperating Organisations

EWMA encourages the Cooperating Organisations to adhere to the following, basic principles:

Multidisciplinary approach aiming at:

  • Equal focus on and opportunity for membership for nurses and physicians and other specialists working within wound care.
  • Openness towards membership of representatives of different clinical professions.

Openness towards cooperation including financial support from a broad selection of industry partners.

Function and adhere to basic democratic organisational principles of:

  • Regular general assembly.
  • Regular transparent and democracy-based elections for Council.
  • Transparency in relation to organisational and financial policies and actions.

Collaboration between all wound management associations in countries with two or more associations. In terms of liaising with government health structures and national insurance companies, it may be considered an advantage to speak with one voice.

GUIDELINES: EWMA Cooperating Organisation

If you wish to become a EWMA Cooperating Organisation, please contact the EWMA Secretariat.

The Cooperating Organisations are the backbone of EWMA as the umbrella organisation for wound healing and management in Europe. As such, the Cooperating Organisations are the closest collaborating partners of EWMA.

Characteristics of a EWMA Cooperating Organisation

  • Official status as a non-profit organisation that focuses solely/primarily on wound care.
  • The organisation represents healthcare professionals.
  • The activities of the organisation are in principle limited to one country within Europe[1];
  • The objectives, constitution and ethical guidelines of the organisation do not conflict with any of the rules that govern EWMA.

Benefits of being a EWMA Cooperating Organisation

  • Entitled to appoint one representative for the EWMA Cooperating Organisation Board.
  • The Board representative is entitled to a free registration for the annual EWMA conference as well as a free, personal membership of EWMA.
  • Right to nominate and vote in the election of candidates for the EWMA Council, which takes place annually during the Cooperating Organisation’s Board meeting.
  • Right to an annual counselling meeting with a representative of the EWMA Secretariat.
  • Access to request a EWMA speaker for a national conference and request that EWMA covers the cost of transport (Accommodation is always paid by the requesting Cooperating Organisation). The EWMA Secretariat decides according to demand as well as speakers and/or budget available how many and which requests will be honoured annually.
  • Access to request participation in EWMA committees and panels, education, and research projects and other EWMA activities.
  • The individual members of a EWMA Cooperating Organisation are allowed to register for the annual EWMA conference at the reduced EWMA membership price.
  • The individual members of a EWMA Cooperating Organisation may join EWMA at a reduced annual membership rate as described on EWMA membership
  • Free copies of the 2 annual issues of EWMA Journal for distribution to your members.
  • Reciprocal links on websites and right to present the organisation in the Cooperating Organisation section of the EWMA website.
  • Initial presentation (1 page) of the organisation in the EWMA newsletter or on the EWMA website.
  • Possibility for free distribution of material at the EWMA booth during the annual EWMA conference.

[1] The definition of Europe used by EWMA is inspired by the Council of Europe list of member states.

GUIDELINES: EWMA International Partner Organisation

If you wish to become a EWMA International Partner Organisation, please contact the EWMA Secretariat.

EWMA International Partner Organisations are organisations that work internationally, including national organisations based in countries outside Europe.

EWMA International Partner Organisations are important collaborators on strategic issues such as:

  • Increasing the awareness of wound healing and wound management issues.
  • Networking with organisations active in thematic issues related to wound healing and management.
  • Scientific cooperation and exchange of conference presentations.

Characteristics of a EWMA International Partner Organisation

  • Official status as a non-profit organisation
  • The organisation represents healthcare professional or healthcare institutions

Benefits of being a EWMA International Partner Organisation

  • One free registration for the annual EWMA Conference.
  • Invitation to meet with representatives of the EWMA Council and/or Executive Committee during the annual EWMA conference.
  • Invitation to participate in the annual International Partner Organisation Board meeting that takes place during the EWMA conference.
  • Access to request a EWMA speaker for its regular conference. In general, EWMA does not cover any costs of transport and accommodation for a speaker requested by an International Partner Organisation.
  • Reciprocal links on websites and right to present the organisation in the International Partner Organisation section at the EWMA website.
  • Access to request participation in EWMA education, research projects and other activities.
  • Initial presentation of the international partner organisation in the EWMA newsletter.
  • Possibility for free distribution of information material at the EWMA booth during the annual EWMA conference.