Compression therapy & leg ulcers: Video explainer​

View and share this video for a quick introduction to the key messages of this campaign.


This site aims to create awareness about OPTIMAL USE OF COMPRESSION THERAPY IN LEG ULCER MANAGEMENT and to explain why this therapy is a crucial part of effective leg ulcer treatment.

The website is part of the EWMA COMPRESSION THERAPY CAMPAIGN which has been initiated in collaboration with several European wound management associations and related specialist organisations. The campaign addresses the challenges related to lacking, late or incorrect use of compression therapy in leg ulcer management, leading to suboptimal healing outcomes for patients.

Share with your colleagues!

We hope you will help us share the messages about optimal use of compression therapy in leg ulcer management.

Collaborating organisations

The campaign is developed and disseminated in collaboration with the following organisations:

Industry supporters

The EWMA Compression Therapy Programme is kindly supported by the following companies: