Module 10: Local treatment of lower leg ulcers


Welcome to this module on the local treatment of lower leg ulcers. This chapter will provide a comprehensive overview of the procedures involved in the local treatment of lower leg ulcers, focusing on dressing selection and monitoring. Due to the diverse etiologies and varying preferences of healthcare providers, there is a wide range of treatment methods available. This module will help you understand these methods and the current evidence supporting them.

Learning objectives

By the end of this chapter, learners will be able to:

  • Understand the principles of local wound treatment for lower leg ulcers.
  • Identify different methods of wound cleansing and debridement.
  • Compare the effectiveness of various wound dressings.
  • Evaluate the use of antimicrobials and topical agents in treating lower leg ulcers.
  • Discuss alternative treatment methods such as ultrasound therapy, electromagnetic therapy, and protease modulating matrix treatments.

Author: Sebastian Probst