EWMA Council Election
The Council is the main deciding body of EWMA. All members of EWMA have the opportunity to candidate for Council at the annual election.
EWMA 2025 Council Election
This year, there are three (3) vacancies available in council for individual members of EWMA In addition to these, two (2) new members of council will be elected by the cooperating organisations of EWMA.
Should nominations exceed vacancies, the election will be arranged via online ballot opened in March 2025. A separate email with ballot link will be sent to all members with voting rights (members registered before 1 Jan 2025). Should insufficient nominations be received, nominations may be accepted from the floor at the Annual General Meeting. Such nominations will be voted on by the members present.
To stand for council, you are kindly asked to:
- Inform the EWMA Secretariat about your candidacy, via email including your CV and photo.
- Ask two existing members of EWMA to nominate you (write an email to the secretariat, supporting your application).
The above-mentioned information must be sent to the EWMA Secretariat Wednesday 26 February 2025 the latest, att. Julie Bjerregaard; jb@ewma.org.
The CVs and photographs of nominated candidates will be presented at www.ewma.org from Monday 3 March February 2025.
Two ways to present your candidacy
There are two ways of presenting your candidacy for the EWMA Council:
- The Individual Members Election (Usually held in April-May)
- The Cooperating Organisation’s Board Election (Held in May, in connection with the cooperating organisations board meeting)
Please note that:
- It is not possible to stand for election in both the individual and the Cooperating Organisation’s Board election.
- Individuals with a residence outside Europe (Definition of Europe according to The Council of Europe) are not eligible for election to the EWMA Council.
- The maximum number of Council members from the same country of residence allowed in Council at the same time is three (3). If the number of elected members from a specific country exceeds the number of places in council, the candidate(s) with the highest number of votes will be offered a place.
1. Individual Members Election
In order to stand for Council, you must be nominated by a minimum of two current members of EWMA. The nominations must be made by the two members in writing. Only those persons who have been members for more than six (6) months shall be eligible for nomination.
Should nominations exceed vacancies, the election shall be by ballot.
Should insufficient nominations be received, nominations may be accepted from the floor at the Annual General Meeting during the EWMA Conference.
Only members who were registered as members before 1 January the year of the election will be entitled to vote in the election.
A call for candidates is usually sent to members in January or February.
2. The Cooperating Organisation’s Board Election
The Cooperating Organisations Board meeting and the EWMA Council election for Cooperating Organisation representatives takes place during the annual EWMA Conference. More information about the exact meeting time will be provided in due time.
As a EWMA Cooperating Organisation you have the possibility to nominate a candidate for this election. All candidates must participate and present themselves at the online Cooperating Organisation’s Board meeting.

Being a member of the EWMA Council
The EWMA Council Members have the key role in the process of developing and guiding the association towards the common goal of making a difference in the delivery of wound care in Europe.
The position requires active participation in the work of the association. Council members are expected to participate in 3 Council meetings a year: one in March, one during the annual conference in May and one in October. Besides this, there may be 1-2 Committee meetings depending on your area of interest.
All members of the EWMA Council serve as a Trustee of the EWMA Charity and are participating in the work on a voluntary basis. All direct costs related to transport and accommodation during meetings are covered by the association.