

The aim of the event is the care of patients with wounds across the healthcare system. The primary theme of this year’s event is “Atypical Wounds in the Context of Systemic Changes in Healthcare.”
18/01/2024 -
Quelque chiffres clés de l’édition : Plus de 1700 participants 53 résumés soumis 52 modules 4 plénières 1 conférence inaugurale 8 sessions de communications orales 4 sessions en anglais 7 sessions spéciales 158 intervenants 43 stands partenaires 11 symposiums et ateliers de l’industrie
22/01/2024 -
NIFS sitt årlige faglige arrangement har i løpet av de siste årene vokst seg fra å være et seminar til å bli en kongress. Det har som formål å spre kunnskap om oppdatert sårbehandling i hele landet. Av den grunn veksles kongress sted mellom Oslo og resten av landet annethvert år.
01/02/2024 -
National Wound Days is a two-day training event that brings together a wide range of wound care experts and social and health care staff and doctors interested in wound care.
01/02/2024 - brings together nurses, doctors and health professions to broaden and spread their knowledge of wound care and tissue repair, ostomy and foot care.
08/02/2024 -
SEHER congress 2024 is an event that brings together professionals committed to excellence in wound care, to share knowledge, explore innovations and strengthen multidisciplinary collaboration.
14/02/2024 -
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