Wound centres

How EWMA works with wound centres

EWMA is dedicated to supporting the development of high-quality wound care across Europe. Through two key initiatives — the EWMA Wound Centre Directory and the EWMA Wound Centre Endorsement Programme  EWMA collaborates with wound centres to improve patient care, promote professional development, and foster international knowledge sharing.

The EWMA Wound Centre Directory, which is currently being developed, will provide a comprehensive overview of wound care centres. This resource aims to assist patients seeking specialized wound care and to guide healthcare professionals in identifying centres that offer training or accept visitors for educational purposes.

The EWMA Wound Centre Endorsement Programme recognizes centres that meet high EWMA standards in wound management. Its overarching goal is to support multidisciplinary teamwork and evidence-based wound management. Endorsed wound centres has always undergone a thorough evaluation visit by an EWMA representative to claim their endorsement. 

Together, these initiatives aims to strengthen the quality and accessibility of wound care across Europe.

Interested in learning more about the EWMA Wound Centre Endorsement Programme?

Find the full list of endorsed wound centres and get more information about the EWMA Wound Centre Programme, criteria, and procedure visit the designated page. 

EWMA Wound Centre Directory

Upcoming: EWMA Wound Centre Directory – A Key Resource for Healthcare Professionals and Patients

We are excited to announce the upcoming EWMA Wound Centre Directory, a comprehensive tool designed to support healthcare professionals in expanding their network, engaging in training, and exploring research collaborations. 

This directory will also assist patients in finding specialized wound care centres across Europe.

The wound centres figuring in this directory are a self-reported and EWMA is not the be held responsible for searching all European wound centres. It is further up to the induvidual wound centres to decide if they want to be included in the directory or not.

With the directory EWMA methodologically support the centres for networking and evidence.based care in high quality. EWMA collects the information about the wound centres to provide a place for sharing this information with relevant tatget groups such as health care professionals or patients. EWMA is not responsible for the care provided in the wound centres. 


Help us build this resource by submitting wound centres for inclusion! Simply complete our submission form below to contribute to this important initiative.

Submit a wound centre to the upcoming EWMA Wound Centre Directory

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