Living with chronic wounds in Switzerland

In these videos we follow Venous Ulcer patients and watch their story being told from three different angles: the patient’s, the health care professional’s and the institution’s. The videos were created by filmmaker Aurora Piaggesi. Copyright © EWMA 2018.


Geneva, Switzerland

Haute école de santé de Genève & Clinique et Permanence d’Onex


The video shows the experiences of a 90 year old patient living with a venous leg ulcer.

The video is in French with English subtitles.

French Description

C’est un monsieur de 90 ans, qui a une maladie de Vasquez, une IVC et une IAMI stade 1. Il a été soigné plusieurs fois chez nous pour des ulcères veineux malléolaires accompagnés d’OMI. Il a toujours eu des drainages lymphatiques et des bandes de compression 2 en plus des traitements de l’ulcère.

Une équipe d’infirmiers/infirmières spécialisée assure les soins de plaies et cicatrisation dans un climat de confiance et de confort à la Cité Générations-Maison de Santé, Onex (Genève, Suisse).


During 2018 and 2019, filmmaker Aurora Piaggesi visited a number of wound care clinics across Europe to interview patient representatives and the health care professionals and managers responsible for providing their treatment and care. The LWCW tour included clinics in Helsinki, Finland; Brno, Czech Republic;  Montpellier, France; Geneva, Switzerland; Lincoln and London, United Kingdom.

The videos were presented at a focus session at EWMA 2019 in Gothenburg, Thursday 6 June 2019.

Follow the LWCW tour on social media #LivingWithChronicWounds #LWCWtour #LWCW