Living with chronic wounds in Italy

In these videos, we follow a diabetic foot patient and watch his story being told from three different angles: the patient’s, the health care professional’s and the institution’s. These were the pilot videos of the LWCW-project. The videos were created by filmmaker Aurora Piaggesi. Copyright © EWMA 2018.


Diabetic Foot Section of the Pisa University Hospital, Italy

Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria Pisana – Ospedale di Cisanello – Sezione dipartimentale Piede Diabetico

LWCW tour

During 2018 and 2019, filmmaker Aurora Piaggesi visited a number of wound care clinics across Europe to interview patient representatives and the health care professionals and managers responsible for providing their treatment and care. The LWCW tour included clinics in Helsinki, Finland; Brno, Czech Republic;  Montpellier, France; Geneva, Switzerland; Lincoln and London, United Kingdom.

The videos were presented at a focus session at EWMA 2019 in Gothenburg, Thursday 6 June 2019.

Follow the LWCW tour on social media #LivingWithChronicWounds #LWCWtour #LWCW

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