
The European Wound Management Association (EWMA) is a European not-for-profit umbrella organisation, linking national wound management organisations, individuals and groups with interest in wound care.

Learn more about how EWMA developed into the organisation it is today.

History of EWMA

The European Wound Management Association (EWMA) was established in 1991 as a not for profit charity organisation registered in the UK. One of the founding principles was that EWMA would be inclusive across professions and countries, and so it has remained. Since the beginning, EWMA has welcomed nurses, doctors with various relevant specialities, as well as other professionals (e.g. micro-biologists and psychologists) into the EWMA Council.  The international collaboration has also continued to develop.

Since its establishment EWMA has grown to become a real European umbrella organisations with close links to most of the national wound management associations in Europe as well as extended collaboration with sister societies or related organisations in other parts of the world. On these pages you can dig into our historical archives as well as learn more about the history of EWMA. For more information, we suggest that you have a look at the materials produced in connection with the 25th anniversary of EWMA in 2016.

The 25th anniversary of EWMA

In 2016 EWMA celebrates the 25th anniversary of the association. As part of the celebration we have looked back at the history of EWMA together with key people involved in the establishment as well as important stakeholders of EWMA today.  On this page you will find a collection of articles and interviews focusing on the development of the organisation, the milestones in this development as well as some of the people who have contributed greatly to this.

The links below lead to articles published in the “anniversary issue” of the EWMA Journal, published in April 2016. The articles provide an overview of the history of EWMA as well the milestones and key people involved in the development of the association.  

EWMA Journal anniversary issue (2016): 

People sitting at a board
EWMA President Kirsi Isoherranen

Council & Executive Committee

EWMA Council

The Council is the main deciding body of EWMA. The EWMA Council Members have the key role in the process of developing and guiding the association towards the common goal of making a difference in the delivery of wound care in Europe. All members of EWMA have the opportunity to candidate for Council in the annual election.

If you are interested in how to stand for election for the EWMA Council, we encourage you to read the guidelines on how to stand for election. 

Explore the profiles the current EWMA Council. 

EWMA President

EWMA Presidents are elected for one year as President Elect, a two-year term as EWMA President, and another two-year term as Immediate Past President. This procedure is designed to support continuity as well as renewal in the management of EWMA.

EWMA President Archive

Find all current and earlier presidents of EWMA since its establishment in 1991: 


Kirsi Isoherranen 

Sebastian Probst

Alberto Piaggesi

 Severin Läuchli

Salla Seppänen

 Jan Apelqvist

Zena Moore

 Peter Vowden

Peter Franks

 Peter Vowden

Christine Moffatt

Finn Gottrup

George Cherry

Chris Lawrence

David Leaper

 Carol Dealey

Terrence Turner