Advanced therapies in wound management

This document investigates the barriers and possibilities of advanced therapies in the next generation wound management. The document includes an introduction to the available technologies based on cellular therapies, tissue engineering and tissue substitutes, which are all technologies associated with the clinical discipline of regenerative medicine. The document also describes new treatments based on physical therapies and the potential of sensors and software.


The objectives of this document are to:

  • Review and discuss clinical experiences and the scientific evidence where it is available;
  • Provide an objective and exhaustive overview of the available therapies and their potential roles in clinical practice, and make recommendations for the implementation of these therapies in the different areas of wound management;
  • Analyse and debate cost-effectiveness issues related to the included therapies; and
  • Discuss the regulatory framework for advanced therapies in Europe, providing a point of referral for future discussions and negotiations with health-care providers and payers.

The document was publiced by the Journal of Wound Care in May 2018, with official launch at the EWMA 2018 Conference in Krakow, Poland.

Authors & Editors

  • Alberto Piaggesi (Editor), Italy, University of Pisa, EWMA Executive Committee member
  • Severin Läuchli (Co-editor), Switzerland, University Hospital, Zürich
  • Franco Bassetto, Italy, University of Padova
  • Alexandra P. Marques, Portugal, 3B’s Research Group
  • Bijan Najafi, US, Baylor College of Medicine
  • Thomas Biedermann, Switzerland, Kinderspital Zürich
  • Giuseppe Turchetti, Italy, Scula Superiore Sant’Anna
  • Diane Seimetz, Germany, Biopharma Excellence

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