Focus groups


Focus groups

Organising a focus group session is an outstanding opportunity for your company to gather key opinion leaders for a structured discussion on a topic that is defined by your company. A focus group is a very cost-effective way of arranging a meeting with key opinion leaders in order to gather the information that your company currently needs.

A focus group session gathers a number of specifically selected participants. Typically, the participants will be chosen from the conference delegates in partnership with the organising company. However, participants may also be specially invited for a focus group.


€ 11,000

Focus groups are interesting for companies that:

Practical organisation of the focus group

The overall purpose and specific programme of each focus group will have to be agreed individually and are developed in close collaboration with the EWMA Secretariat.

The EWMA Secretariat will take care of the practical organisation of the focus group session.

Form and content

The invited group of participants of 8-12 persons are asked about their perceptions, opinions, beliefs and attitudes towards a product, service, concept, advertisement or idea. 

Presentations and discussions take place in an interactive group setting where participants are encouraged to openly discuss with other group members. 

Duration: 1-1.5 hours. 

The programme for a focus group discussion typically contains:

The programme for a focus group discussion typically contains: