Instructions for speakers & chairs
Presentation templates
Oral presentation (Invited by EWMA or GNEAUPP)
Presentation format
- Format: PPTX
NB! No keynote format is supported. - Slide size: 16:9
You can use the EWMA template or your own template in 16:9.
NB! Please do not forget to embed your fonts and to attach your video files, as they cannot be embedded into the presentation. - Number of slides: No limit, depending on duration of talk.
- Duration of talk: Has been sent to speakers by email.
- Company logos: You may only show a company logo (of a sponsoring company) and/or a brand name on one slide during the presentation.
NB! Please note that brand names written in abstract title or text will be replaced with generic names by the conference secretariat. - Conflict of interest: Please include a Conflict of Interest declaration as the first or second slide, you can use the EWMA template or use your own.
Upload of presentation
Your presentation can be uploaded in two ways:
1. Upload before the conference
A link will be provided by email to all speakers by the end of February 2025.
You can upload your presentation through the link and ask questions if you need technical support.
Any presentations uploaded before the conference can be replaced onsite if you have any changes.
2. Upload onsite
Please bring your presentation on a USB flash drive to the conference. We do not allow the use of personal laptops for presentations.
Please bring your presentation to the Speakers Upload Centre at least 3 hours before your oral presentation. Authors of the early morning sessions on Thursday and Friday will be requested to upload their presentation prior to the conference or the day before.
A technician will assist you in transferring the presentation into a central conference server. When the transfer is complete, the technician performs a quick run of the presentation in order for you to check whether the presentation runs correctly, and that the entire presentation is copied.
Your presentation will then be available in the room in which your oral presentation is scheduled.
Oral presentation (Free paper)
Presentation format
- Format: PPTX
NB! No keynote format is supported. - Slide size: 16:9
You can use the EWMA template or your own template in 16:9.
NB! Please do not forget to embed your fonts and to attach your video files, as they cannot be embedded into the presentation. - Number of slides: No limit, depending on duration of talk.
- Duration of talk: Your presentation is scheduled to last 8 + 2 minutes (presentation + questions and discussion).
- Company logos: You may only show a company logo (of a sponsoring company) and/or a brand name on one slide during the presentation
NB! Please note that brand names written in abstract title or text will be replaced with generic names by the conference secretariat. - Conflict of interest: Please include a Conflict of Interest declaration as the first or second slide, you can use the EWMA template or use your own.
Upload of presentation
Your presentation can be uploaded in two ways:
1. Upload before the conference
A link will be provided by email to all speakers by the end of February 2025.
You can upload your presentation through the link and ask questions if you need technical support.
Any presentations uploaded before the conference can be replaced onsite if you have any changes.
2. Upload onsite
Please bring your presentation on a USB flash drive to the conference. We do not allow the use of personal laptops for presentations.
Please bring your presentation to the Speakers Upload Centre at least 2 hours before your oral presentation. Authors of the early morning sessions on Thursday and Friday will be requested to upload their presentation prior to the conference or the day before.
A technician will assist you in transferring the presentation into a central conference server. When the transfer is complete, the technician performs a quick run of the presentation in order for you to check whether the presentation runs correctly, and that the entire presentation is copied.
Your presentation will then be available in the room in which your oral presentation is scheduled.
After the conference
Accepted abstracts will be published in the EWMA-GNEAUPP 2025 Conference App.
Please also consider submitting your work as an article for the Journal of EWMA.
Electronic Posters instructions
Please note that your E-Poster can NOT be uploaded onsite in Barcelona.
If you do not upload your E-Poster before the conference, it will not be visible during the conference in Barcelona.
E-Poster upload link is sent to all E-Poster presenters ultimo February
E-Poster upload deadline: 23rd March, 23:59 CET
E-posters are on display throughout the whole conference on touch screens situated in the E-Poster area in the Exhibition hall.
All E-posters are available on all screens.
E-Poster formats
- Only material in the form of .pdf landscape can be accepted.
- Hyperlinks, animated images, animations and animated slide transitions are not permitted for e-Posters and will be non-functioning.
- Maximum pages: 5 pdf page.
- Format: DIN A0 (841 mm x 1189 mm), landscape
E-Poster regulations
- For all references to products or companies, generic names must be used. Brand names can be inserted as a reference at the bottom of the E-poster.
- Advertising/corporate logos should be avoided on the E-poster.
- Sponsored posters should be identified by a text like: this work has been made possible by an educational/research grant from “X Company”.
E-Posters that do not comply with the above policy may be removed.
E-Poster language
Your e-poster must be in English or Spanish.
If your abstract is accepted for the English spoken programme, please prepare in English.
If your abstract is accepted for the Spanish spoken programme, please prepare in Spanish.
Upload of E-Poster
All e-Posters must be uploaded before the conference via a special link that you will receive by email by the end of February 2025.
Accepted abstracts will be published in the conference App.
Industry Symposia presentations
Number of presentations in industry symposia
Speakers in Industry symposia can engage with maximum two companies in the same EWMA conference.
Speakers are responsible of informing companies who invites them to speak in a satellite symposia if they are engaged with other companies already.
We recommend companies to ask the speaker they invite if they have accepted to speak for any other companies already.
Presentation format
Presentation Format
- Format: PPTX, no keynote format is supported.
- Slide size: 16:9. Please do not forget to embed your fonts and to attach your video files, as they cannot be embedded into the presentation.
- Number of slides: No limit, depending on duration of talk.
Microphone: If you wish to use the microphone on the lectern for your presentation you do not have to do anything, however if you wish to use a headset microphone, please confer with the technician in the back of the room 15 min before the session and he/she will assist you.
Upload: Please upload your presentation minimum 2 Hours before the session in the Speakers Upload Centre.
Please note that each session room is equipped with a laptop and a data-projector. A network-based presentation system will be used along with a conference specific interface to ensure the perfect quality of all presentations. Therefore, your own laptop cannot be connected in the lecture room. All presentations must be uploaded to the server minimum 2 Hours before the session.
Upload of presentation
Your presentation can be uploaded in 2 ways:
1. Upload before the conference
A link will be provided by email to all speakers by the end of February 2025. You can upload through the link and ask questions if you need technical support. Any presentations uploaded before the conference can be replaced onsite if you have any changes.
2. Upload onsite
Please bring your presentation on a USB flash drive to the conference. We do not allow the use of personal laptops for presentations.
Please bring your presentation to the Speakers Upload Center (at least 2 hours before your presentation). Authors of the early morning sessions on Thursday and Friday will be requested to upload their presentation prior to the conference or the day before.
A technician will assist you in transferring the presentation into a central conference server. When the transfer is complete, the technician performs a quick run of the presentation in order for you to check whether the presentation runs correctly, and that the entire presentation is copied.
Your presentation will then be available in the room, in which your session is scheduled.
Chairs in EWMA-GNEAUPP 2025 sessions
General guidelines
- Please remind the speakers of the time limit of their presentation.
- Please ask the speakers to speak slowly and clearly for the sake of non-native English speakers.
- Discussion: Take charge of the discussion period. Recognize questions from the audience and allow each person who would like to do so to participate in the discussion. Ask the participant to introduce herself/himself and to speak slowly into the microphone. If you think it is necessary, repeat or paraphrase the question or the answer, to make sure that everybody can follow the discussion.
- Comments from the chair: Comment on the data presented in relation to accepted current knowledge. The audience may believe that the lack of comments from the chairs means acceptance, or agreement, on the presented data.
- If a presentation would be good paper in the EWMA Journal of Wound Management, please let the secretariat know.
Additional guidelines for Free paper sessions
- If a presentation cannot be given or if a presenter does not appear (no-show), please fill out the remaining time with questions or start a discussion.
- First time presenter: If there is one or more first time international presenters in your free paper session, you will be notified of this before the conference. Please evaluate the presentation using the evaluation form which will be available on your seat in the room. Please give the evaluation to the room hostesses after the session. They will take it to the Secretariat who collects all evaluations.
- Your feedback is important for many free paper presenters and they may want to stay to discuss their presentation with you. If you have time, we appreciate your extra effort.
Staff in the room
- 1-2 technicians in each room
- 1-2 EWMA hostesses in each room