EWMA podcasts: Season 3 EWMA 30 years

The podcast series touches upon important topics within wound management. EWMA Podcasts are a place for discussion and learning, where you can also hear more about the work of other experts and peers in your field. The podcast can easily be fitted in the busy life of wound management professionals, as you can listen to them on the go and access them from your mobile phone.


Episode 1: Changes in wound management since the establishment of EWMA in 1991

In this episode, you can listen to a conversation between EWMA Podcast Host Samantha Holloway and two key figures in wound healing coming out of Scandinavia Professor Finn Gottrup and Professor Jan Apelqvist. They will initiate this season’s focus on the historical development of EWMA since its inception in 1991. The major question addressed in this episode is what has changed in wound management since EWMA was established 30 years ago? The podcast provides and overview of the enourmes change the discipline of wound healing and management has went through since the foundation of EWMA.


Episode 2: Since EWMA’s 25 Anniversary in 2016 – What has changed in the last five years?

In this episode, you can listen to a conversation between EWMA Podcast Host Samantha Holloway and two key figures in the fields of Dermatology and wound management; Dr. Kirsi Isoherranen and Dr. Severin Läuchli. The episode follows the first episode’s focus on the historical development of EWMA but narrows the temporal scope to consider the past five years. Changes are evident from both the major innovations happening in wound management, but also as an effect of Covid-19 as a global pandemic. The major question addressed in this episode is what has changed in wound management and care since EWMA’s 25th year anniversity in 2016? The podcast provides an overview of the contemporary changes in the discipline of wound management since the last time we celebrated a EWMA anniversery.


Episode 3: After COVID-19 – how did the crisis change wound management across Europe?

In this episode, you can listen to a conversation between EWMA Podcast host Samantha Holloway and two prominent figures in the field of wound management; Professor Christine Moffatt and Professor Alberto Piaggesi. The major question addressed in this episode is how did the crisis change wound management across Europe? Thus, the episode takes on the contemporary crisis of Covid-19 and the pandemic’s effects not only on wound management specifically but health care systems more generally. While Covid-19 has proved a disruption to most health care systems providing them with an opportunity to innovate the pandemic has also meant negative and severe consequences for wound patients. The podcast provides an overview of the recent challenges, outcomes and knowledge produced in the still ongoing global pandemic.


Episode 4: Wound education on the move – goals and challenges in the last 30 years

In this episode you can listen to a conversation between EWMA podcast host Samantha Holloway and two prominent figures in the field of wound management education; Professor Sebastian Probst and Professor Madeleine Flanagan. The major question addressed in this episode is what challenges and goals wound education has faced in the past 30 years? While wound management education has developed significantly standardization across different national contexts differ quite considerably. One driver of the developments within wound education discussed in this episode is the educational support provided by various EWMA initiatives – for example the EWMA curricula. Listen in as Professor Probst and Professor Madeleine discuss how they have experienced challenges in wound education from both a Swizz, British and a more general European context.

Podcast host

Samantha Holloway