Join the video and photography contest


We are thrilled to announce our partnership with SoTV (Society of Tissue Viability) for this campaign, as we believe in the power of storytelling and want to shine a light on the incredible work that is done by countless professionals, like yourself, every day. Wound care is a tapestry woven with diverse threads – from nurses and podiatrists to physicians, therapists, and specialists. This campaign aims to unite these varied professions under one banner, fostering a sense of pride and community. Together with SoTV, we’re excited to amplify the stories of these dedicated professionals and celebrate their contributions to the field of wound care.

Join the Conversation

Your voice matters, and we invite you to be a part of this positive movement. Share the stories that deserve to be heard and celebrate the heroines and heroes in wound care.

There are two ways to participate in the contest:

  1. By submitting a video
  2. By submitting a photo
1. Video Submission

What do you need?

  • Mobile phone or camera

How to film a video?

Format: Horizontal or vertical, as you prefer.

Duration: 25 – 55 seconds (max.)

What to say?

Please complete the following sentence:

I am proud to be a _______________________ (job title/education track)

because _____________________________________                                                                                              

It is up to you how much you would like to elaborate on the because.

If you are unsure what to say have a look at the questions below as inspiration:

  • What do you like about your job?
  • Why is your work important?
  • What was one of your formatives, positive experience in your professional life?


Should you not feel comfortable answering the question(s) in English, feel free to answer it in your own language. Just remember to send a transcript and, if possible, a translation together with your video, to help us with the subtitles.


You can share your video on your own social media and tag EWMA, or choose to send your video to us via email to our communication manager, Signe,

We would like to have permission to share your video in a dedicated area during the EWMA 2024 Conference in London, 1-3 May 2024 and/or via EWMA Social Media. Before we share this, we will of course ask for your consent.


If you are ok with us sharing your video during the EWMA 2024 Conference, we kindly ask that you send this on 25 March 2024 the latest. 


By submitting your video you have the chance of winning a free registration for the EWMA 2024 Conference in London OR the EWMA 2025 Conference in Barcelona (according to your preference).

The winner will be notified via e-mail by mid-April 2024.

2. Photo Submission

What do you need?

  • Mobile phone or camera

What moment to capture?

Submit a photo (or photos) that encapsulate the essence of your work in wound care. Whether it’s a moment with a patient, a team working together, or a snapshot of the healing process, we want to see your perspective.


Photograph, horizontal or vertical, as you prefer.

What to say?  

Add a testimonial to complete the following sentence:

I am proud to be a _______________________ (job title/education track)

because _____________________________________                                                                                              

It is up to you how much you would like to elaborate on the because.
If you are unsure what to say have a look at the questions below as inspiration:

  • What do you like about your job?
  • Why is your work important?
  • What was one of your formatives, positive experience in your professional life?


English, or in other laguanges, but with an Enligsh translation included.


You participate by sharing your photo on your own social media and tag EWMA, or you can choose to send your video directly to us via email to our communication manager, Signe,

We would like to have permission to share your video in a dedicated area during the EWMA 2024 Conference in London, 1-3 May 2024 and/or via EWMA Social Media. Before we share this, we will of course ask for your consent. 


If you are ok with us sharing your video during the EWMA 2024 Conference, we kindly ask that you send this on 25 March 2024 the latest. 


By submitting your video you have the chance of winning a free registration for the EWMA 2024 Conference in London OR the EWMA 2025 Conference in Barcelona (according to your preference).

The winner will be notified via e-mail by mid-April 2024.

Join us in this visual celebration and let your photos and videos tell the story of why you are #ProudToMakeADifference in wound care.

See some of the examples that has been submitted: #proudtomakeadifference

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