Council Member: Valentina Dini

Meet the newest council members: Valentina Dini

Exchange of knowledge and experience across borders in Europe will benefit everyone, says EWMA Council member Valentina Dini.

Valentina Dini has a long career in dermatological research with several publications in prominent scientific journals. An Associate Professor at the University of Pisa – Dermatology Unit, Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, she does research in tissue repair of chronic wounds and Chronic Inflammatory skin diseases 

As a newly elected member of the EWMA Council, we have asked Valentina Dini about her commitment: why she wanted to join the council, what she hopes to contribute with, and what she hopes to gain. 

“Being a part of the council is an opportunity for me to share my knowledge with other colleagues from all around Europe. To know what happens in other countries, and to share that knowledge with my colleagues in Italy,” says Valentina Dini. 

“I think it is crucial to promote wound care with dermatologists. At the moment, dermatologists in Italy are not very much involved or interested in wound healing, and it is a pity. I think the role of the dermatologist is very important, mainly in the diagnosis, but also in the treatment of chronic wounds,” she says. 

As EWMA consists of members with backgrounds in many different medical fields, the association is an opportunity for professionals to share knowledge and experience with several aspects of wound care. And being a European association, it provides the opportunity to share knowledge across borders, something which Valentina Dini sees great prospects in for her colleagues and herself. 

“I think that EWMA can help me learn how we can manage chronic wounds better in our country,” Valentina Dini says. 

There are big differences in the quality of wound care between the regions of Italy. To make sure that knowledge travels between regions and countries is crucial for proper wound care in all of Europe. 

“I also think EWMA can help to elevate my point of view from just my own country to a European point of view, so we can all learn from each other and spread knowledge wider. Healthcare research should not only benefit the people of one specific country, but everyone,” says Valentina Dini. 

However, cross border cooperation and collaboration of different medical fields also carries challenges. 

“I think one of the biggest challenges for EWMA is to standardise the approach and the management of chronic and acute wounds in all countries.” 

Standardisation of wound care approaches is a complex issue, which has concerned EWMA for many years. And whereas some areas may benefit from standardised guidelines, others are bound to local conditions.

Meet all the council members and executive commitee.

Series: Meet the Newest Council Members

In a series of articles here at, we will meet the members of the EWMA Council, who were elected in 2022.

Valentina Dini is a dermatologist and Associate Professor at the University of Pisa – Dermatology Unit, Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine. She has worked in wound healing research in France, the USA, and her home country Italy since 2006.

The EWMA Council

The Council is the main deciding body of EWMA. 

The Council decides the overall goals and strategy of the association, what projects the organisation will work on, as well as preparing the yearly EWMA Conference. 

There are 20 members of the council as well as appointed representatives of partner organisations. 

All members of EWMA have the opportunity to candidate for Council in the annual election held prior to the EWMA conference. 

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