EWMA University Conference Model (UCM)

EWMA UCM programme

The EWMA UCM programme offers students of wound management from institutes of higher education across Europe the opportunity to take part of their academic studies whilst participating in the EWMA Conference. The opportunity of participating in the EWMA UCM is available to all teaching institutions with wound management courses for health professionals.

EWMA is currently focusing on increasing the networking opportunities between the students from various UCM groups participating in the programme. In addition to the main conference programme, UCM Lectures as well as assignments and workshops for mixed groups will be arranged specifically for the UCM students.

EWMA strongly encourages teaching institutions and students from all countries to benefit from the possibilities of international networking and access to lectures by many of the most experienced wound management experts in the world.


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The advantages of the EWMA UCM in brief

The EWMA University Conference Model:

  • Allows participating teaching institutions to deliver the main taught component of a wound course during the EWMA Conference;
  • Provides students with a unique opportunity to engage actively in the professional learning environment of the EWMA conference;
  • Gives industry partners an opportunity to create or enhance company educational profile.

Students register at a participating university and receive pre-course materials prior to the Conference and may in some cases access pre-conference activities before the Conference.

A unique programme of activities based on the conference programme is devised by the academic staff from the participating universities. Time for informal networking with peers and wound healing experts is a central part of the programme.

Lecturers could opt to add post-conference activities after the conference has ended.

After the conference, students will continue to be supported by the participating universities until they submit an assignment at the end of the course.

Articles and evaluations about the EWMA UCM

Madeleine Flanagan (October 2013)

Laurent Chabal and Carolyn Wyndham-White (October 2012)

Luc Gryson  and Zena Moore (October 2010)

Zena Moore (October 2008)

Madeleine Flanagan (October 2007)


The EWMA UCM has been a positive experience for participating students. A selection of student evaluation articles are available here:

Britta Østergaard Melby & Sanne Wichmann (October 2012)

Karen Eneman (October 2009)

If you would like to join the EWMA UCM programme or have questions regarding the programme, please contact the EWMA Secretariat.

Participating institutions


Escola Superior de Enfermagem S. Francisco das Misericordias

Haute École de Santé

Hogeschool VIVES


Universidade Católica

University of Hertfordshire United Kingdom